You’re Invited Sunday Morning

Our 10:30 AM service follows a traditional worship style. Scripture readings, anthems by our choir, hymns and a sermon are staples of this service.


Sermon: “Lord, Bless Me & Enlarge My Territory”
Scripture: I Chronicles  4:9-10
Weekly Newsletter: One of the central teachings of Christianity is the Great Comission, where Jesus instructs his followers to “go and make disciples of all  nations” (Matthew 28:19) Expanding our ministry helps spread the message of Christ to new people and places, fulfuilling his call. As ministries grow, they foster stronger, more vibrant Christian communities. This encourages spritual growth, fellwoship, and support among believers. 
We have varieties of territories such as spiritual, personal growth, relationships, communities, and global territories. Ultimately, a Christian’s “territory” is where they are called to serve, share the Gospel, and represent Christ, whether locally or globally, spiritually or physically. Let us take another step forward where God is leading us. Are you available?
Pastor’s Wish List: We will be having two more baptisms at St. Pauls sometime October & November. We are in need of someone who can follow up with these God sent children. Please contact me if you are able. 